So I think one of the biggest challenges in getting into a Tiny Trak is cost and complexity. I previously used N20 gearmotors, but the cost of them plus an ESC is a little overwhelming. Not to mention, having to buy hardware / screw kit to assemble. I'm working on a TinyTrak design which will be 100% 3D printable including TPU tracks, without use of screws or tools for assembly. All axles clip into the frame, and all frame parts are designed to snap together.

This design uses two SG90 continuous rotation servos, as they're very cheap and do not require a separate esc purchase. The front accomidates a typical micro FPV camera lens, along with four 5mm LEDs. The most basic build could be as simple as a 1s Lipo, camera, and both servos plugged into a receiver.
For those who don't have FPV equipment or a transmitter, I have also been planning on using an ESP32 as a solution to the electronics. This is a cheap microcontroller with built-in wifi and is often bundled with a camera for less than $10. Ideally, the ESP32 would run a webserver to provide controls and video feed to any computer or phone with a web browser. This also opens up the possibility of using the device for remote monitoring & control over the internet.